Saturday, August 21, 2010


You've heard those words, "I'm bored!" You have said them yourself. I've said them myself. Now I don't know about you, but there is no reason on earth for me to be bored. I am a mom, so my work is never done. I am also a student, so there is virtually always something to read or something to write. (I have a 12-15 page paper to write right now, and school doesn't even start until September...) And because that isn't enough, I also have a job, so there is probably an event to plan or a volunteer to support or a lesson to review. So how can I be bored?

When I am bored, it signifies one of two things. I'm avoiding doing something that "needs" doing or I am struggling with solitude. The first thing has been covered in other blog entries and will be covered in future blog entries because it is closely related to my worst habit that I am willing to publish on the World Wide Web - procrastination. No need to cover it here. So that leaves the second reason I am bored, my ongoing struggle with solitude.

According to Dr. Seuss, "Alone will be something you’ll be quite a lot." This assurance does nothing to help me gain understanding that solitude does not have to be lonely. Time alone could be used to get to know myself and my Creator, something I have neglected over the past several decades. As I'm beginning to do this, I find that God and I are both good company. As I have found those quiet places in my life, those "boring" places, I have begun to develop a bit more faith and a fragile self-respect. I know that this will carry me far as I walk, skip, and sometimes stumble along this twisting path.

1 comment:

  1. I think I can relate to both of those possibilities. Procrastination, and having to face God when all other excuses are gone. I too need to generate some time for solitude to make room for God.
