Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Twisting Path

Let's go back a year. No, two years is better. Two years ago I was in the midst of figuring out what to do with my time as my children begin to leave the nest. I was thinking a little ahead, but after not working outside the home for 15 years, I knew I would need some education before I could reenter my former career or begin a new vocation. This little voice, still and small, kept invading my thoughts. "Go into ministry," it said. "Go to seminary." My inner engineer (my BC career) had a good laugh. The logical reasons for going to seminary were lacking. The reasoning part of my brain could not wrap herself around going to an expensive private school fairly far from home to study material far outside her education. The still, small voice and the reasoning voice debated for a long time. Last September I began my seminary education.

My life's path has been characterized by twists and turns, switchbacks and dead ends, obstacles and forks in the road.

This blog is about my experience on the twisting path.

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally intrigued. Please share more when you have time.
